How to pay 0% tax in Indonesia on offshore dividends

How to pay 0% tax in Indonesia on offshore dividends

If Indonesia isn’t necessarily known to be a tax haven, several new fiscal incentives should be carefully considered for foreigners, especially the ones receiving offshore dividends.  In some cases, residents can even get a perfect 0% tax rate on their offshore dividends brought to Indonesia. Here is what you need to know. Offshore dividends brought…

Investing in Bali Villas & Real Estate: What You Should Know

Investing in Bali Villas & Real Estate: What You Should Know

Bali has been a very popular destination for real estate investment these past few years. Whether it’s with individuals buying their villas in order to rent them out, or for more corporate investors in tourism, it seems that Bali is on everyone’s map. As you may suspect, investing in Bali is not always all about…